Iterable & Iterator in Flutter & Dart

Iterable & Iterator in Flutter & Dart

An in-depth explanation about Iterable & Iterator, Their `methods` & `properties` with Examples.


10 min read


  • If you are familiar with Dart/Flutter you are knowingly or unknowingly using Iterable in your application or program.
  • You might have come across objects like List, Map, and Set when building an application.
  • These are nothing but Iterable. You can verify this by taking a look into the implementation of these collections.
  • List :
  • listiterable.png
  • Set :
  • setiterable.png
  • An Iterable as the name suggests, it has something to do with iteration.
  • The definition of Iterable given by Dart is :

    An Iterable is a collection of elements that can be accessed sequentially

  • If we look at the implementation of the Iterable, we can see that Iterable is an abstract class.
  • iterableabstract.png
  • That means we cannot instantiate the Iterable class.
  • But we can create a new Iterable by creating List, Set, Map. For example :
  • image.png
  • We cannot access the value by index, like numbers[index]. It's because Iterable doesn't have [ ] operator like List.
  • Let's try to access the element of the Iterable by [ ], And see what error it throws:
  • image.png
  • [notdefine].png
  • As expected it threw an error that says operator [ ] is not defined in Iterable class.
  • Iterable has many useful properties and methods available.
  • As List, Set is Implementing Iterable , All the methods that are available in Interable are also accessible in List and Set.
  • A Map is different than List and Set, because it contains key : value pairs. We cannot directly loop through the Map variable as we're doing in Set and List. Because Map is not implementing Iterable
  • image.png
  • mapiterableerror.png
  • Map has keys and values Iterables inside it.
  • Keys Iterable keyiterable.png
  • Values Iterable
  • valueiterable.png
  • So to iterate over the Map we can do something like :
  • image.png


  • In simple terms Iterator is a single element of a collection that we can get one at a time.
  • Iterator is an Interface. The for-in loop we've used in the above examples is using this Iterator interface under the hood.
  • The thing is Iterable doesn't know how to iterate over the collection. That is why Iterable has an Iterator getter inside it.
  • iterableiterator.png
  • Its job is to move sequentially through all the elements of the iterable.
  • All iterables have an iterator
  • listiterator.png
  • setierator.png
  • The Iterator has a method called moveNext(), which returns a boolean value.
  • If it returns true then it means that iterable contains the next element.
  • if it returns false then it means that there are no further elements.
  • Iterator has one very important getter called current. Which gives the current element of the iterable.
  • Example :
  • image.png

Properties of Iterable :

  • first & last:

  • first returns the first value/element from the Iterable.
  • last returns the last value/element from the Iterable.
  • first Example :
    void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • first.png
  • For accessing the first element from Map :
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
  • mapfirst.png
  • last Example :
  •  final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • last.png

  • isEmpty & isNotEmpty:

  • isEmpty returns true if Iterable is empty, otherwise false.
  • isNotEmpty returns true if Iterable is not empty, otherwise false
  • void main() {
    final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • isEmpty.png
  • Same for the Map
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     print(mapOfNumbers.isEmpty); // false

  • length :

  • Returns the total number of elements/values present in the Iterable.
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
     print("List: "+listOfCar.length.toString());
     print("Map: "+mapOfNumbers.length.toString());
  • length.png

  • runtimeType :

  • Returns the type of the object.
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • runtimeType.png

  • single :

  • If the Iterable has only one element inside it, then single returns that value/element.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi"];
  • single.png
  • If there are more than one element then it will throw an error.

Methods of Iterable :

  • elementAt(index) :

  • As we've seen in the explanation of Iterable that we cannot access the element of Iterable by [ ]. Because Iterable doesn't have [ ] defined.
  • So we can use elementAt() method to access any element from the Iterable.
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     final Iterable<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • elementAt.png

  • contains(element) :

  • Returns true if the Iterable contains the element passed inside the contains() method.
  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • contains.png

  • firstWhere()

  • This will return the first encountered element which satisfies the condition given to the function.
  • The function must return boolean value.
  • This method takes two things: 1. The function which returns the value if a certain condition is satisfied & 2. orElse function which will be called when no condition is satisfied.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi A5","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
     print(listOfCar.firstWhere((element)=> element.startsWith("Au")));
  • firstwhere.png
  • orElse
    void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi A5","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
     print(listOfCar.firstWhere((element)=> element.startsWith("Zu"),orElse: ()=> "No Element Found"));
  • orElseFirstWhere.png

  • where()

  • Takes boolean function.
  • This function will iterate over all the elements and checks if the condition given to the function is satisfied on that element.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi A5","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
     print(listOfCar.where((element)=> element.length > 4));
  • where.png

  • Map:

  • void main() {
     final Map<String,dynamic> mapOfNumbers = 
     print(mapOfNumbers.values.where((element)=> element.length > 3));
  • wheremap.png

  • toSet() :

  • Used to convert from type T to Set, where T can be : List,Map etc.
  • The Set will remove duplicate element from previous iterable.
  • void main() {
     final List listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"];
  • toSet.png

  • toList() :

  • Used to convert any iterable to List.
  • Takes one optional argument growable. If true we can further add elements in list, otherwise add() will not work.
  • void main() {
     final Set<String> setOfCar = {"Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"};
  • toList.png
  • growable : true (default) :
  • void main() {
     final Set<String> setOfCar = {"Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"};
     final List listOfCar = setOfCar.toList();
  • growabletrue.png
  • growable : false :
  • void main() {
     final Set<String> setOfCar = {"Audi","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes"};
     final List listOfCar = setOfCar.toList(growable: false);
  • growablefalse.png
  • As you can see add is not working now.

  • takeWhile() :

  • This will return every element in a list from index 0 to the element that first satisfies the condition.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi A5","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes","Audi A3"];
     final fileteredList =  listOfCar.takeWhile((element) => element.startsWith("Au"));
  • takeWhile.png

  • take(int count) :

  • This will return every element in a list from index 0 to the index specified in this method.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Audi A5","BMW","Ferrari","Mercedes","Audi A3"];
     final fileteredList =  listOfCar.take(3);
  • take.png

  • skipWhile():

  • Returns an iterable that skips leading elements while the provided predicate is satisfied.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Ferrari","BMW","Mercedes","Audi A3"];
     final fileteredList =  listOfCar.skipWhile((element)=> element.endsWith("i"));
  • skipwhile.png

  • skip(int count) :

  • This will skip every element in a list from index 0 to the index specified in this method and returns the remaining element.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Ferrari","BMW","Mercedes","Audi A3"];
     final fileteredList =  listOfCar.skip(3);
  • skip.png

  • singleWhere() :

  • Returns the single element that satisfies a given condition.
  • If no element is found this method will give an error. To handle this error using orElse
  • This will also throw an error if any duplicate value is found.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfCar = ["Audi","Ferrari","BMW","Mercedes"];
     final fileteredList =  listOfCar.singleWhere((element)=> 
    element.startsWith("Au"),orElse:()=> "No Element Found");
  • singleWhere.png

  • reduce():

  • This will reduce a given iterable to a single value by combining elements of the iterable using a provided function.
  • The iterable must have at least one element. If it has only one element, that element is returned.
  • void main() {
    final List<int> listNumber = [1,2,3,4];
    final reduced =  listNumber.reduce((value,element){
      print("value: "+value.toString());
      print("element "+element.toString());
      return value+element;
    print("total: "+reduced.toString());
  • reduce.png

  • map() :

  • Returns a brand new list.
  • The function defined in map will run on each element.
  • After that new list will be returned.
  • void main() {
     final List<int> listNumber = [1,2,3,4];
     final filteredList => element += 1);
  • map.png

  • lastWhere() :

  • Returns the last element that satisfies the given condition.
  • void main() {
     final List<int> listNumber = [1,2,3,4];
     final fileteredElement =  listNumber.lastWhere((element)=> element.isEven);
  • lastWhere.png

  • join() :

  • Joins every element of the iterable with a given separator and returns it as String.
  • void main() {
     final List<int> listNumber = [1,2,3,4];
     final fileteredElement =  listNumber.join(",");
  • join.png

  • forEach :

  • The function defined inside forEach will run on every element of the iterable.
  • The difference between map and forEach is forEach doesn't return a new list whereas map does.
  • void main() {
     final List<int> listNumber = [1,2,3,4];
     listNumber.forEach((element)=> print(element * 2));
  • forEach.png

  • followedBy() :

  • If you want to add new iterable inside your current iterable then you can use followdBy() by passing your iterable inside it.
  • void main() {
     final List listOfFruits = ["Apple","Banana","Carrot"];
     final newFruitList = listOfFruits.followedBy(["Dates","Emu"]);
  • followedBy.png

  • fold:

  • It is the same as the reduce method.
  • It reduces an iterable to a single value by iteratively combining each element of the collection with an existing value.
  • void main() {
     final List<String> listOfFruits = ["Apple","Banana","Carrot"];
     listOfFruits.fold(0, (value, element) {
       print("value: "+value.toString());
       print("element: "+ element.toString());
       return value + element.length;
  • fold.png
  • Difference between reduce and fold is: reduce can only be used on non-empty collections with functions that return the same type as the types contained in the collection whereas fold can be used in all cases.
  • We cannot compute the sum of the length of all strings in a list with reduce but you can use fold to do that.

  • expand :

  • If you have nested iterables inside one main iterable and you want to extract out those iterables into one single iterable then you can use expand to do this.
  • void main() {
     final nestedList = [["Apple","Banana","Carrot"],[1,2,3],[true,false]];
     final flattenedList = nestedList.expand((list)=>list);
  • expand.png
  • void main() {
     final listOfFruit = ["Apple","Banana","Carrot"];
     final duplicateFruits = listOfFruit .expand((element)=>[element,element]);
     print(duplicateFruits );
  • expand2.png

  • every() :

  • This method returns a boolean depending upon whether all elements satisfies the condition or not.
  • void main() {
     final listOfFruits = ["Apple","A Banana","A Carrot"];
     final filteredList = listOfFruits.every((element) => element.startsWith("A"));
  • every.png

  • any() :

  • Returns true if any element satisfies the given condition, otherwise false.
  • void main() {
     List<int> listOfNumbers = [11,23,3,45,5];
     print(listOfNumbers.any((element)=> element.isEven));
  • any.png

  • cast():

  • This will return a new list with a given castType so that you can use it in places where the analyzer expects Iterable<Type>.
  • This is a very rarely used method.
  • Remember this will not cast an element of the iterable.
  • It only gives an illusion to the analyzer that it got that type that it wanted.
  • void main() {
     List<num> listOfNumbers = [5, 20, 12.5];
     List<double> castedDoubleList = listOfNumbers.cast<double>();
     print("casted list: "+castedDoubleList.toString());
     print("casted list type: "+castedDoubleList.runtimeType.toString());
     print("casted list element type: ");
     castedDoubleList.forEach((element)=> print(element.runtimeType)); 
  • cast.png
  • We can use this castedDoubleList if any function requires it. For example:
  • void main() {
     List<num> listOfNumbers = [5, 20, 12.5];
     List<double> castedDoubleList = listOfNumbers.cast<double>();
    reverseDoubleList(List<double> doubleList){
  • cast2.png

Wrapping Up

  • These all are very useful methods and properties which are very handy during the development.
  • Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.
  • Comments and Feedbacks are welcomed ๐Ÿ™‚
  • PeaceOutImOutGIF.gif

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