Flutter Paytm Integration

Flutter Paytm Integration

How to Integrate Paytm Payment Gateway in Flutter? Flutter Paytm Integration with Example.


  • Paytm is a leading digital payment method in India. Millions of users rely on it to pay or recharge their mobile phones.
  • In this blog, I will show you how to integrate Paytm Payment Gateway in your Flutter applications using a simple example.
  • This blog has a built-in sample app that uses the library: paytm_allinonesdk.
  • You can find the documentation of the Paytm plugin for Flutter at :
  • This article will show you how to make a simple Flutter app integrating payment gateway with Paytm in Flutter.
  • You will get to know what all things are necessary and how to proceed with integration.

Create a merchant account

  • Before we proceed with the integration part, we have to first create a merchant Paytm account.
  • To do that go to Dashboard and log in with your Paytm account details. paytmLogin.png

Generating API Keys

  • Click on API keys under the Developer settings in the left menu. apikey.png
  • Now, Click the Generate now button under the Test API Details.

Building and Deploying Backend

  • Paytm requires to generate and validate the checksum.

    Checksum🤔 ??

  • In a nutshell, Paytm uses the checksum signature to verify that API requests and replies transmitted between your app and Paytm over a network are not tampered with.
  • Another thing is that the customer adds goods/services to the shopping/order cart and then goes to checkout on your mobile app.
  • When the user proceeds to checkout, the Developer needs to call the Initiate Transaction API from the backend to generate a transaction token.

    Transaction token🤔 ??

  • To start transactions in our app, as a developer we need to first call this transaction API and this API will return the txn Token, which is a mandatory parameter that we must give in the AllInOneSdk to begin transactions in our app.

  • So the question is how to generate the Checksum and Transaction Token?
  • Here you have two options :

    1) Use the below URL

  • I have already created the backend and also deployed it on the Heroku server.
  • flutter-paytm-backend.herokuapp.com/generat...
  • You can simply make a POST request using http in Flutter and it will return you the Txn Token.
  • However, because this URL is publicly available, I would not recommend using it if you are integrating Paytm into your production application or if you are using it in a commercial project. This URL can be used for testing purposes.
  • It's not as difficult as it appears.
  • You only need to download the zip folder from the URL below, which contains all of the information needed to produce txnToken. As a result, you won't have to start from the beginning.
  • After downloading it. You can deploy it on the server of your own choice.

  • Okay, So these all are the Pre-requisites before we begin with the integration part.

Integration Of Paytm AllInOneSdk in Flutter

Step: 1 - Add Dependency

  • Inside the pubspec.yaml, add the latest paytm_allinonesdk package.
        paytm_allinonesdk: ^1.1.4

Step: 2 - Create PaytmConfig class

  • Now to sperate the business logic, create a file named paytm_config.dart under lib.
  • Create PaytmConfig class and define the required variables.

    class PaytmConfig {
      final String _mid = "...";
      final String _mKey = "...";
      final String _website = "DEFAULT"; // or "WEBSTAGING" in Testing
      final String _url =
          'https://flutter-paytm-backend.herokuapp.com/generateTxnToken'; // Add your own backend URL
      String get mid => _mid;
      String get mKey => _mKey;
      String get website => _website;
      String get url => _url;
  • You can get the mid(Merchant Id) and mKey(Merchant Key) from the API Keys section in the Paytm Dashboard
  • productionAPIs.png
  • Now create one method getMap which will return a JSON encoded string. This string contains all the information required to generate txn Token.
    String getMap(double amount, String callbackUrl, String orderId) {
      return json.encode({
        "mid": mid,
        "key_secret": mKey,
        "website": website,
        "orderId": orderId,
        "amount": amount.toString(),
        "callbackUrl": callbackUrl,
        "custId": "122", // Pass users Customer ID here
  • Now, let's create a function called generateTxnToken which is used to make a POST request to the backend.

    Future<void> generateTxnToken(double amount, String orderId) async {
      final callBackUrl =
      final body = getMap(amount, callBackUrl, orderId);
      try {
        final response = await http.post(
          body: body,
          headers: {'Content-type': "application/json"},
        String txnToken = response.body;
        await initiateTransaction(orderId, amount, txnToken, callBackUrl);
      } catch (e) {
  • After getting TxnToken we can now initiate the transaction. Create a function called initiateTransaction
    Future<void> initiateTransaction(String orderId, double amount,
       String txnToken, String callBackUrl) async {
     String result = '';
     try {
       var response = AllInOneSdk.startTransaction(
         false, // isStaging
         false, // restrictAppInvoke
       response.then((value) {
         // Transaction successfull
       }).catchError((onError) {
         if (onError is PlatformException) {
           result = onError.message! + " \n  " + onError.details.toString();
         } else {
           result = onError.toString();
     } catch (err) {
       // Transaction failed
       result = err.toString();
  • PaytmConfig Full Source Code : Here

Step:3 - Make Payment

  • Now after all the configuration, we can make payment by calling the generateTxnToken function from our UI.
  • FloatingActionButton(
          onPressed: () async {
            await paytmConfig.generateTxnToken(amount, orderId);
          child: const Icon(Icons.payment),

Final Output:


Wrapping Up

  • I hope you found this article to be beneficial. If you have any feedback/queries, leave them in the comments.
  • Thank you for spending time reading this article. See you in the next article. So, until then...


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